George Deligiorgis, the CEO of ENDIALE SA at Aegean Voice 107,5

ENDIALE SA applies the model of the circular economy. “Circular economy” is defined by a new production and consumption model in which, through process and reuse, the materials acquire a new life cycle, creating a new value opportunity.

Interview with the CEO of ENDIALE SA at 98,4 radio

Interview with the CEO of ENDIALE SA at 98,4 radio

Interview with the CEO of ENDIALE SA |

The Collective System of Waste Lubricating Oils Alternative Management, presented in the studio of and the channel of LocalTv by the Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of EN.DI.A.L.E SA. George Deligiorgis…..

Cooperation in recycling among Greece, Cyprus and Egypt begins

According to the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy: the switch to the circular economy model……