The Collective System of Waste Lubricating Oils Alternative Management, presented in the studio of and the channel of LocalTv by the Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of EN.DI.A.L.E SA. George Deligiorgis, explaining that it is the organization that deals with the coordination of all the procedures like the collection, the transportation, the temporary storage and the exploitation of waste lubricating oils which are produced in Greece. As Mr. Deligiorgis explains to the journalist Mr. Xaris Kougioumtzopoulos EN.DI.A.L.E. S.A. goal is to improve the environmental footprint as well as the performance of Greece in the field of waste lubricating oils recycling, which eventually become a product because there is the capability of full recycling and re-use.

ENDIALE SA has achieved to make Greece the first country in Europe with a 100% recycling rate of lubricants and to participate as a pioneer in international forums, in contrast to its start of operations where the recycling rate was only 5%.

The lubricating oils recycling is extremely important because, according to Mr. Deligiorgis, if the lubricants are not recycled, will leach into the illegal burning, releasing huge amounts of hazardous and noxious compounds in the atmosphere or will end up in the aquifer. The President of ENDIALE SA has characteristically remarked that if a liter of lubricant falls to the surface of a calm sea or a lake can cover a surface equal to a football stadium, resulting in the death of any living being below.

In that way, ENDIALE SA has led to recycling, hundreds of thousands tones of lubricating oils, with a huge environmental benefit for the country. Moreover, with the produced product of recycling there is also a huge economic benefit, because on the one hand it is a re-usable product and on the other it helps at the saving of huge amounts of money that we should spend in order to import more lubricating oils.

In conclusion, Mr. Deligiorgis remarks that anyone that allocates lubricating oils to the market, like gas stations, is obliged to ensure the channeling into the recycling. A network of specially licensed collectors take them to facilities that recycle them. The role of ENDIALE SA is to coordinate this procedure and to ensure that every lubricant oil will be recycled.